NeoGraft Hair Transplant

FUE System



NeoGraft Hair Restoration: The Revolutionary Solution to Hair Loss
Hair Loss Among Us
A Return to Your Natural Hair
No More Linear Scarring with NeoGraft
Qualified Candidates for NeoGraft Hair Restoration
Personal Consultation for NeoGraft Hair Restoration
Preparation for NeoGraft
The NeoGraft Procedure Explained
Recovery From NeoGraft
Results of NeoGraft Hair Restoration
Corresponding & Complementary Procedures
Facial Hair Transplants
Receding Hairline Treatments
Cost of NeoGraft Hair Restoration in Dallas
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NeoGraft: The Revolutionary Solution to Hair Loss

NeoGraft hair restoration is a minimally invasive, advanced hair loss treatment technology that automates single hair follicle extraction from the back and sides of the scalp during follicular unit extraction (FUE). NeoGraft harvests thousands of hair follicles from an individual’s donor site on the scalp with little or no visible scarring, then expertly transplants the grafts into thinning and balding areas of the scalp using incisions the size of fine needles. This process allows transplanted hair from these areas to grow out evenly, resulting in a thicker, fuller head of hair. 

When conducted by a board-certified hair surgeon, the NeoGraft procedure offers men and women a permanent, natural hair loss solution that works for their needs. NeoGraft FUE remains the “gold standard” in hair replacement surgery solutions. At The Hair Transplant Center – Dallas, we perform NeoGraft hair restoration procedures on patients experiencing hair loss and needing solutions that can permanently restore their hairline and help them achieve a youthful-looking appearance. 

Hair Loss Among Us

Various factors can contribute to hair loss, such as the following:

  • Alopecia.
  • Female or male pattern baldness.
  • Lack of proper nutrients such as iron, zinc, and biotin.
  • Poor nutritional habits.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Side effects of medication.
  • Stress.

For many people, hair loss can impact their emotional and psychological well-being, resulting in a dramatic loss in self-confidence. 

Hair loss isn’t rare. Up to 85% of men have varying degrees of thinning hair by age 50, and 25% of these men have been experiencing balding since age 21. In contrast, 55% of women will experience hair loss during their lives. 

Do you want to permanently address your hair loss problems and obtain a full head of hair? Discover the hair restoration solutions at The Hair Transplant Center – Dallas.

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A Return to Your Natural Hair

The NeoGraft FUE hair restoration technique harvests single, natural hair follicles from a donor site on the back and sides of the scalp and implants hair follicles, referred to as grafts, in areas experiencing thinning and balding. This NeoGraft technique enables the newly transplanted follicles to grow naturally along with the rest of your hair.  

Using hair follicles from your own scalp avoids the hair plug look that can result from older, less sophisticated techniques. NeoGraft automates hair transplantation by ensuring the proper placement of natural density patterns and orientation to avoid the look of hair plugs in the scalp.

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No More Linear Scarring With NeoGraft
Qualified Candidates for NeoGraft Hair Restoration
Personal Consultation for NeoGraft Hair Restoration
Preparation for NeoGraft
Facial Hair Transplants

No More Linear Scarring With NeoGraft

If you’ve searched for ways to treat your hair loss, you likely have encountered a procedure called follicular unit transplantation (FUT), which removes a strip of skin from the back of the head. While it can produce similar results to that of NeoGraft technology, scarring of this type can deter you from following through with the NeoGraft procedure. 

With NeoGraft technology, you won’t face having a linear incision, which results in little or no visible scarring left as evidence that the procedure took place. While FUT procedures may have worked for people in the past, NeoGraft is revolutionizing the future of hair loss restoration.

Qualified Candidates for NeoGraft Hair Restoration

If you’re experiencing hair loss, you could be an ideal candidate for NeoGraft hair restoration. Do you answer “yes” to the following questions?

  • You feel insecure about your hair loss.
  • You hide your head under hats or beanies.
  • You’ve tried supplements and at-home remedies but didn’t get any results.
  • You have healthy follicles in donor areas of your head.
  • You understand the timeline for hair growth after a NeoGraft procedure.

Schedule a personal consultation with one of our NeoGraft Hair Restoration experts and start today on your journey to a happier, more confident you.

Personal Consultation for NeoGraft Hair Restoration

During your personal consultation at our Dallas office, we will: 

  • Review your medical, surgical, and prescription history with you.
  • Determine whether you’ve tried hair loss treatments in the past, such as hair plugs, supplements, or medications.
  • Examine your scalp, noting the density of healthy hair in the donor area.
  • Evaluate the hair loss on the top of your head and scalp.
  • Schedule your NeoGraft treatment session.
  • Help you prepare for the NeoGraft FUE procedure.

Preparation for NeoGraft

You may need to take the following steps before proceeding with a NeoGraft FUE hair transplant procedure:

  • Avoid blood-thinning medications such as aspirin. Blood thinners can cause excessive bleeding during your NeoGraft hair restoration treatment.
  • Avoid nicotine and alcohol several days before the procedure. These substances can inhibit the body’s natural ability to heal and recover.
  • Shave your head in the donor area to promote maximum yield when harvesting hair follicles and stimulate new hair growth.
  • Eat a light breakfast on the day of your hair transplant procedure.
  • Avoid taking vitamin E supplements days before the procedure.
  • Do not drink any caffeinated or energy drinks the night before or during the morning of the procedure.

You need to follow all instructions given by Dr. Thiele and inform him of any allergies, medical and surgical history concerns, prior complications, and medical issues during your consultation.

The NeoGraft Procedure Explained

Find out how the NeoGraft FUE procedure works:

  1. You’ll receive a local anesthesia to prevent any pain or discomfort. 
  2. Dr. Thiele will shave down the hair in the donor area and around the recipient area.
  3. One of our trained NeoGraft specialists will expertly harvest your hair follicles in groups of one to three hairs from the donor areas of your scalp. 
  4. Dr. Thiele will create a series of tiny incisions in recipient sites where he will implant the extracted follicles.
  5. The healthy follicles will get implanted into the incisions at uniform depths, ensuring even growth around your head.
  6. Dr. Thiele will clean and bandage the area on your scalp to promote recovery.

Depending on the range and extent of your surgery, a NeoGraft hair restoration procedure can take between four and eight hours to complete. 

Recovery From NeoGraft

Since a local anesthesia is used during the NeoGraft procedure, the recovery process is quick. After your procedure concludes, you may experience some redness and tiny holes in the treated areas. These conditions are normal and should go away after a week. Swelling should subside after one to two days. 

You can resume nonstrenuous activities the day after your NeoGraft treatment and resume strenuous activities approximately two weeks after the procedure. Be sure not to irritate the areas of your scalp that need to heal. Avoid hats, beanies, and hoods for several weeks. In the weeks following the procedure, you’ll want to sleep with your head elevated and flat. 

Results of NeoGraft Hair Restoration

You should know how hair grows after the NeoGraft hair restoration FUE procedure to achieve significant results. Several weeks after your treatment, some implanted hairs may fall out during healing. This process is quite normal. 

You’ll likely begin to see a difference after three to four months. During the next eight to 12 months, the small hairs will grow back stronger and thicker compared to previous years. 

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 

At The Hair Transplant Center – Dallas, we offer hair loss solutions to complement NeoGraft hair restoration procedures.

Facial Hair Transplants

Perhaps you’ve inherited genes that make any type of beard or mustache growth nearly impossible. You may want to consider a facial hair implant if your facial hair follicles aren’t maintaining hair growth. 

By using a similar approach to NeoGraft, our facial hair transplant experts will take healthy hair follicles from donor areas, sort them by hair width and length, and skillfully implant them into your face to supply you with a mustache or beard.

Receding Hairline Treatments

By addressing a receding hairline, we can provide our patients with fuller, natural-looking hair. The NeoGraft FUE technique can help stimulate hair growth and improve your hair’s conditions.

Cost of NeoGraft Hair Restoration in Dallas 

A NeoGraft hair restoration procedure can vary depending on factors such as how much hair gets harvested and transplanted into the target areas. Our hair transplant specialists consider the patient’s age, body type, and medical history. 

Pricing occurs on a per-graft basis. At The Hair Transplant Center – Dallas, our prices are competitive, and we perform only one or two hair transplant procedures on any given day. All factors can affect the cost of a NeoGraft procedure. 

Learn more about our pricing and payment options by contacting us today.

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